Today was a day of firsts

After waking up early this morning, we met our guide Constantina for a two hour walking tour of Florence. It was nice to have some places pointed out to us and to see that, in fact, if you go in a logical path (or something of that sort), things are a lot closer than you would think. After getting lost yesterday, it seemed like Florence would be one hard puzzle to solve, but in reality, it isn't so big or so difficult to maneuver. Along the way, we stopped by the Duomo, got Gelato (Nocciola (hazlenut) and Cafe flavors) from the best place around - Grom, learned where the API office is, and also how to survive in the fresh food marketplace. After our tour, a few of the girls from the apartment and I went to the fresh marketplace called Centrale Mercato, which luckily, is literally about five hundred steps from our apartment! We stopped off at a fresh fruit stand and I tried my first fresh apricot....which was absolutely delicious! I could have eaten an entire carton of them right then and there, but I settled for getting a few fresh nectarines to have with breakfast this week instead. The afternoon passed quickly, and it was just a relatively relaxing one. At 6:30 it was time to head out for our cooking class!! That was amazing! It was about a twenty minute walk to the cooking school which was just beyond the Ponte Vecchio! It was amazing getting to see the bridge in real life!  We made fresh spinach and cheese raviolo, linguini, eggplant parm with cheese and a potato and zucchini filling and of course, you can't forget dessert, which we made tiramisu! We walked home under a clear sky and perfect weather before meeting up with Alex and a few other friends to explore more of Florence. Also, I managed to find our way back home! First successful navigation of the streets of Florence on my own -- under pressure too, I might add! It felt great to be able to get myself home. Only three days here and already things are slowly becoming familiar. I think I'm ready for classes to begin on Monday morning, but for this weekend, I'm going to enjoy this beautiful weather and all that Florence has to offer. Oh, and did I mention? I don't have any classes on Tuesdays or Fridays....what is a girl to do?

la vita è bella

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