FINALLY.... The David

Ciao a tutti!!

How is everyone?! 

Today, my second day of Fall break, proved to be just as amazing as I hoped it would be!!

This morning, I woke up nice and early and got myself all cozy on the couches in our living room where I was able to quietly read my book for a few hours while I waited for the rest of the apartment to wake up. Don't you just love mornings like that?! A cup of tea, a great book, and a cozy blanket to keep you warm?

After all the girls got up, I was wide-eyed and bushy tailed (I'm such a dork) and ready to take on the beeeeeeautiful day, come on, it was 78 today in Florence... life does NOT get better than this! After Marissa got back from her salon appointment, Marissa, Brittany and I all went for a run. It was such a beautiful day and it felt so good to breathe in the fresh air as we ran along the Arno river. After we got back from our great run, we all showered, had lunch and got ready for some exploring. As sad as it is to have to admit, after being here almost two full months now, we STILL had yet to make it to see The of the most famous attractions here in Italy. So, naturally, we figured it was about time for us to do that. 

On top of getting to see The David, we experienced our first VIP moment....sort of. Since our study abroad program is super awesome, they supplied us with these amazing museum passes that allow us free entrance into some of the greatest museums here in Florence, including The Academia where The David is located. So upon our arrival at The Academia we were able to bypass the super loooooooooooong line and just scoot right up front and into the museum in a cinch! It was great! Unfortunately, you cannot take any photos at The Academia, so that nice google image of The David will have to do. But it was certainly a beautiful museum, worth seeing, not only for the David, but also for all of the other amazing pieces of artwork that are there as well! After spending a good hour or so there, just admiring the beautiful work, we headed over to an open-air market where we probably tried everything that was offered including delicious spicy pear jam and fresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil (my mouth is watering just remembering the tastes!). When we had our fill (literally), we headed over the Ponte Vecchio to check out some of the shops there and to just walk around, with no real purpose or mission, just enjoying the nice company and the beautiful night.  We got home around 7:15 and have finally gotten a chance to sit down and rest our legs. We're starting to plan another awesome day for tomorrow and I am so excited! I feel so blessed to have this experience and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Although it's nearly impossible to be stressed here in Italy, this fall break is just the thing I've been needing to finally gather myself and my thoughts and to fall back in love with the pure simplicity of life in Italy. All of it's natural beauty, its rich history, deep culture and amazing sights, sounds, and tastes. Going into fall break, I didn't have many expectations, I wasn't sure where each day would take me or what I would do, and so far it has been more than I could have expected it to be: the perfect combination of relaxation, exploration, adventure and enjoyment. 

Anyway, I'm going to being my relaxing night with either a nice movie or some reading in my book, or who knows, maybe both! :) 

I hope everyone is having a very enjoyable Saturday afternoon!!

Remember to smile!!!

Sending love to everyone and wishing everyone happiness, joy, and good health!


La vita e bella!


Lisa Benet
10/21/2012 03:12:03 am

Sounds fabulous!


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