Playing Catch Up!

Notre Dame: Paris, France
Ciao a tutti!!!

How is everyone doing today? 


I have to apologize profusely for being so terrible keeping up with the blog lately! Truthfully, as the semester is winding down, a lot of time has been spent working on final papers, getting everything organized for the last few weeks of school. Over the next few weeks leading up to final exams, I have 4 10+ page papers to be working on, finals to begin preparing for, a HUGE final project for my Event Planning class, all in between weekend trips that are scheduled for pretty much every weekend until I leave to go home next month! So, I think you can understand why I have been a bit absentminded lately! hahah

Buttttttt, I still love that everyone has been following my posts! It's been so encouraging and motivational to know that people are reading, and (I think?) liking my blogs! It's a funny thing, but in a few short weeks, all of these moments that I'm living and blogging about will just be a whispers of memories. I can honestly say, that although I will miss Italy more than I can even begin to imagine right now, I think I'm going to be glad to be back with my family :) 

Anyway, this past weekend Alex and I had a good friend of ours come to Florence to visit. Matt is currently spending the semester studying in Seville, Spain and he had a free weekend, so we were able to take him around Florence and show him where we've been living and studying for the past few months. The weekend went by too quickly, as seems to be customary now! We took Matt to Lucca for the day on Sturday, and did the necessary things like see the Duomo, see The David, get bagels at Anna's cafe, and of course we had to send him off on a full stomach of American Breakfast! We had a great weekend, but Monday morning still came as sure as the sun rises each morning, and now, it's back to the grind for a few days! 

Last night (Monday), after a long day of classes, I went to the cinema to see the new James Bond movie, "Skyfall" with two of the girls I live with. It was quite an experience. The cinema didn't have stadium seating (didn't the Romans invent the amphitheater? .....), and there was an intermission about an hour and twenty minutes into the showing! hahah! Needless to say, although the movie was great (I'd recommend seeing it!), it was quite an experience! 

This morning I allowed myself to sleep in until 8:15 (woah!) before getting up, having breakfast, getting ready, running some errands, and now blogging before I begin working on my outlines for my final papers and getting homework done :) 

This semester, Kelsey, Alex, Brandon and I have been trying to do "Family Dinners" every Tuesday night which has been so fun! We've made some great meals! Including fish, pasta, asparagus, sauteed spinach etc! So, I think tonight we are going to  do our weekly Family Dinner and then have a movie night! Christmas is just around the corner, so we've already begun watching some Christmas movies! 

Aside from the large amount of work, and busy, busy weekends filled with fun trips, life is carrying on in its normal, Italian fashion :) 

Sorry this blog isn't the best one I've done! Please forgive me! 

This weekend Alex and I will be going to Bologna for a concert and then we're going to head back to Venice for a few days, so I'm sure I'll have some great stories to blog about when I'm back! Until then, you will have to put up with my updates on the progress of my research papers! yaya! How fun! 

Anyway, I hope that all is well with everyone! 

32 days until I'm home!  Can't believe how fast the time has gone! 

Sending my love and warm wishes to everyone! 


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