Back to School!

Well, fall break was great, but today is Monday and it's also the first day back to classes after that lovely week off! 

It's finally sunny out, for the first time in the past few days, and I've already had my first class, in which I received back my first midterm grade (I did well!), so needless to say, I'm in a pretty great mood! There is something to be said about having a nice long week off and then getting to return to the intellectual stimulation of a classroom. I, personally, enjoy it! I'm excited to, hopefully, finish off the rest of this semester strong and am excited to learn new things! 

Currently, I am working on a reaction to the description of Achilles' Shield in book 18 of The Iliad. Which reminds me! Over break I watched that movie "Troy", the one with Brad Pitt (ever heard of it?) well, let me tell you.... SAVE YOURSELF, DO NOT WATCH THAT TERRIBLE MOVIE! Now, I wouldn't say I'm a movie critic or anything....okay, well maybe an amateur one. But this movie, which, can I just say, my teacher for my class on The Iliad literally spent a good 45 minutes of our class RAVING about what a great movie "Troy" was, and how it was the **ONLY** movie to expertly depict the events that occurred in The Iliad... ect. ect. ect...... So, I thought to myself, "this man seems pretty intelligent, he seems to have a great understanding of The Iliad, and I'm sure he would only suggest a movie based on the epic poem, if it was TRULY amazing, why not give it a try?!" ..... worst.mistake. 

Brad Pitt hardly did anything great in the movie aside from look good, the acting, aside from Eric Banna, (who actually did the best job of the entire cast), was TERRIBLE, the fight scenes were laughable (at best), there was a (to use the words of my professor - slighty out of context) "gross misunderstanding" of the depiction of the events of the Trojan war (in my opinion), and I was glad when my internet cut out on me with ten minutes left of the movie so I no longer had to endure it. 

Was that all a bit too harsh? I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, but, boy, did that feel good to get off my chest! 

Anyways, I did truly enjoy reading The Iliad and found that after you get past reading about war and death, the epic poem is truly a piece of art. 

Anyway, I cannot delay too much longer in finishing up my assignment on my personal reaction to The Iliad, but I thought I would leave everyone with an interesting little article I saw in the newspaper they put out for us to read called: "The Florentine". 

The article is called "Florentinisms: Your in-progress dictionary of the Florentine dialect"

Questo tempo fa culaia: Expression to indicate that rain is on the way
       Example: 'Mmm, qusto tempo fa culaia; mi sa che fra poco inizia a piovere!' ('Mmmm, the clouds are gathering; I think it's going to start raining soon!') 

Gòrfe: in Italian, the word 'golf' is used to indicate a lightweight sweater. 'Gorfe' is the Florentine pronunciation
        Example: 'Forza vestiti, mettiti i' gorfe sennò all fine tù fa' tardi a scuola!'
                    Come on, get dressed! Get your sweater on now or else you'll be late for school!

Guazza: condensation formed from humidity
        Example: 'Certo che stanotte doveva essere freddino, ho trovato una guazza di nulla uscendo.'
                     It must've been cold last night. Wehn I left this morning, there was a bunch of condensation outside"

So there you have it folks!!  A little venting, a little excitement, a little bit of Italian, what more could you ask for?! 


I hope everyone has a LOVELY, WONDERFUL Monday morning!! 

For those of you reading who are in Sandy's path, please, please be smart, be safe and be sure to take the correct precautions! It's always better to be safe than sorry! 

La vita e bella!!



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