Addio America! Ciao Italia

Well it's officially arrived! Tonight is my last night home and with everything all settled (hopefully), I will be enjoying a nice, relaxing night with my dad. It wasn't an easy choice, but the meal selection for my last dinner home is Shrimp scampi with peppers and peas! Yumm! Tomorrow I will be setting off on my three month long journey and I truly hope that as the days and months of my journey pass, you all get to follow along with my amazing journey and that I come back a changed (in a better way, of course) person. Although of course,  I have the pre-travel jitters, I think I can truly say that I am ready to take on this experience and while I am sure there will be tough times, I am overly optimistic and hopeful that this trip will be the experience of a lifetime. 

Addio America! 

And just to let the nerdy side of me show through, I've decided to include a quote from one of my favorite movies, "The Hunger Games": 

"Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear" 

So with that, I go into this trip only with hope. Hope that I will become a stronger, more cultured, and well-rounded (although not physically rounded ;) which may very well happen with all that tempting pizza!), person. I look forward to all the experiences I am sure to have and I vow to make each experience a wonderful memory, and to always reamember:

la vita è bella

8/26/2012 12:36:49 pm

Hey girl!
Hope you have arrived safely and found something delicious to eat.
Missing you at work already.
Can't wait to hear all about your adventures.



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